
Business information

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A person with a public background is a natural person who performs or for at least one year has performed important functions of public authority (for example: head of state, head of government, minister and deputy or assistant minister, member of parliament, member of the governing body of a political party, member of the Supreme Court and Supreme Court, member of the National Audit Office and Central Bank Council, ambassador, charge d'affaires and senior officer of the defense forces, board member and administrative or a member of a supervisory body, a head of an international organization or a person performing equivalent duties). Persons with a national background positions. The status of a person with a national background ends one (1) year after leaving the official position on the basis of which the person changed as a person with a national background in the event that there are no circumstances that may indicate, that the risks related to the person may remain the same.
A person related to a person with a national background is a family member of a person with a national background (spouse/person considered equivalent to a spouse, child and spouse or a person considered equivalent, parent) and a close associate (a natural person who has close business relations with a person with a national background or who, together with a person with a national background, is the actual owner of a legal entity beneficiary or owner or who is the sole beneficial owner of a legal entity established for the benefit of a person with a national background). With a national background positions of persons. The status of a person with a national background ends one (1) year after leaving his official position, on the basis of which the person became a person with a national background in the event that there are no circumstances that may indicate that the risks associated with the person may remain the same.

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